Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Work In Progress

Addy is growing right along....way too fast!!! She is now working on trying to crawl,and on trying to drink from her sippy cup......she got her cup from her Dad when he went for his Fellowship interview in San Antonio (notice it says Lil Texan). I think both will come sooner than we know! Our Sugies is doing great!!

First Tooth

Our baby girl is getting her first tooth!! You can't really see it yet, but you can definitly feel it.....we started giving her teething biscuits to naw on, and she loves them!! Thanks Grammi and Papa for the Orajel cleanser......you sent it just in time!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Picnic

It seems like our little tradition for Easter has been to go to the Botanical Gardens here in Birmingham......it's what we did last year as well. This year we have our little Sugarbear to share it with! We had a little picnic, which Grampy met us for after he got off work, then Grampy, very tired, had to go home, and we went on a walk through the Gardens......It was a beautiful day, and a very special time spent with our baby girl! This weekend was quite eventful for our Sugies.....leaving her exhausted!! She took a bath in her new ducky tub and off to bed she went.....sound asleep!!

Trip to the Zoo

On Saturday, April 3rd, we took Addy to the zoo for the first time.....She loved it! It ended up being a quick trip because she was really tired by the time we got there, but she seemed to have fun! We saw the animals, played in the water, and rode the carousel.....another one of our great "Addy first time" adventures!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

.....woke up, and found that the Easter bunny left Miss Adalynn her first ever Easter basket! She got a letter from the Easter bunny on Friday saying she was such a good girl, and how he was busy trying to get all the eggs and baskets together. She, also, had the basket Grammi and Papa sent her to open, and her Grampy got her a bunny that sings and dances! So Exciting!! She got all her Easter cards from her Grandparents, and Great Grandparents this week, along with money to get her something special. Her baskets were full of good stuff....she loved it!! Thanks to both Great Grands! Thanks again Grammi and Papa! Thanks Grampy! Addy had a wonderful and fun Easter morning!! On top of this being Addy's first Easter she, also, turned 8 months today......she is growing so fast!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Awaited Easter Package

Addy got her Easter package from Grammi and Papa yesterday! We opened it up, and found tons of stuff! She got an inflatable ducky tub, tons of outfits (what every girl needs...lol), and her own personal remote control.....now Lance can have his back...LOL! Thanks Grammi and Papa! Your Sugarbear loves ya'll! She also got an Easter basket full of stuff, but we decided to wait on opening that until Easter Sunday....to be continued till then.....

Easter Bunny Time

Addy's first official picture with the Easter bunny....and she did sooo good! She pet the bunny first, then she sat on his lap, and then she just kind of cuddled up and smiled!! Great first time memory of our sugies!!