Thursday, June 24, 2010

Daddy's Day

Mommy and Addy worked hard to make sure that Daddy had a very special 1st Father's Day! We cooked him lunch....made one of his favorites, Fideo with refried beans and tortillas, and got him some special gifts. Addy got him a 2 GB USB with "I Love You Daddy!" on it, and Mommy got him some cute "Dad" t-shirts. Together we gave him a Homer simpson card, a special universal remote, and some nice cuff links. Addy wanted to be extra sweet to Daddy because they have special times together on their Addy and Daddy days. Addy and Daddy walk to the park in the "Addy mobile" to go swing, and they love to sleep in on Daddy's days off. Everybody knows that Lance is all talk most of the time, but Addy knows he loves her as big as a whale, and she loves her Dad the same!

Pool Time Videos

Pool Time